About Neighbour to Neighbour

Neighbour to Neighbour Centre recognizes that community and social inclusion are protective factors against poverty and that food insecurity impacts mental and physical health and one’s ability to socialize, be included and celebrate culture.

For over 35 years, Neighbour to Neighbour Centre (N2N) has been working to meet the issues of food insecurity and poverty head on. We do this by offering programs and services that our neighbours have identified as critical to them, such as:

  • literacy support to children in grades 1 -4 and math support to children in grades 5-8.  Recognizing that literacy and numeracy are both fundamental skills essential to student’s success.
  • N2N’s Hamilton Community Food Centre is a welcoming and safe community space offering food and tool building programs to all ages and stages. Programs like garden club, youth kitchen and community meals bring everyone together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food.
  • N2N offers emergency food to a growing 1700 families every month through in person shopping and home delivery to seniors and people with mobility challenges.
  • The Hamilton Community Garden Network (HCGN) program is run by N2N to sustain and expand the garden community in Hamilton and support Hamiltonians to use gardens to build the community, enhance the environment and promote wellness.
  • N2N Family Services works in collaboration with community partners to offer wrap around supports such as settlement services, utility subsidy programs, family and financial counselling, legal services, housing settlement, to name just a few.  Our Community Counsellors speak in 8 different languages.

Neighbour to Neighbour works with a small staff team of less than 30 people but is powered by a dedicated team of over 400 community volunteers to mobilize our mission. We are neighbours supporting neighbours. We thrive on a spirit of teamwork, collaboration, and community cohesiveness.  

Land and People Acknowledgement

Staff at Neighbour to Neighbour Centre acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional lands of several Indigenous nations, including the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations. These lands are protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek peoples to share and care for the land around the Great Lakes.

In the past year, we began a journey to better understand the impacts and legacy of colonialism. This includes exploring the ways reconciliation is possible and our commitment to it.
Neighbour to Neighbour has demonstrated this commitment through:

  • Establishing a Truth, Reconciliation and Action working group
  • Examining our organizational culture to develop staff and volunteer opportunities for knowledge exchange on topics related to reconciliation, and
  • Evaluating programs and partnerships that invite chances to work together with Indigenous communities and organizations led by Indigenous people.

We know that doing the work toward reconciliation isn’t a straightforward process. It’s complex, challenging, and it changes over time but we’ll keep working toward it.

Our Mission

Lead our community to an improved quality of life.

Our Vision

Communities Thriving

Our Values

Integrity, Leadership, Inclusivity

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